Friday, March 27, 2009

Its a Girl!

Yay! We found out on 3/26 that we are having a girl! Our appointment was pushed up a day because they decided to move their offices on the day we had scheduled. We are very happy and excited!

Belly Pic: 20 weeks, 5 days:

And the u/s pics!

In related news, Nana Kristi recently came up to NY and helped us redo the crazy walls of the baby room. Now they are a pretty light green. Then the carpet guys came soon after, so we can finally start putting all of our baby stuff in the room for good!

Here are a few pics off the process:

And a few of the finished room with the cats modeling:

Jandals is snarfing the carpet....

Our new stroller system!

A few people asked about registry stuff, so you'll find links for that on the side bar.


Gimpy Duck said...

Jenny and Seth! That room looks awesome. What did you do with all the extra crap? I love the paint and carpet. Your stroller is pimped out! JENNY YOU ARE REALLY PREGNANT! I really can't believe it. I'm so excited to have a little niece! And the cats look excited, too.

Emily and Anthony said...

Lookin' good Jenny and Seth! The room looks nice. Seth was really concentrating on that paint job. Poor kitty cats.....they have no idea that they'll no longer be king and queen of the castle in just a few more months. Luv, Emmy