Thursday, February 5, 2009

13 and 4 days u/s!

We had another ultrasound today! Just a bit of info from 3D Pregnancy on how Baby Carr is coming:

Your baby can make a fist and even suck his or her thumb this week — both skills that are über-cute during infancy ... and not so much at the age of 9. Your baby's eyelids are fused shut to protect his eyes as they develop. His bones and skull are solidifying and soon itsy-bitsy ribs may appear. (Baby ribs! How cute is that?!) Baby's intestines are finally right where you want them—in his or her belly instead of poking out into the umbilical cord. Baby's tooth sockets are all loaded and ready to pop out baby teeth six or seven months after baby is born (causing baby a lot of pain and you a lot of lost sleep).

Your baby-to-be now weighs about 20 grams and is nearly 3 inches long, or about the size of a Nutter Butter.

Oh, and a first belly shot of me!


Emily and Anthony said...

Congratulations on the end of your first tri-mester! Lookin' good!

Christy said...
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Christy said...

Wow Jenn,
That ultra sound is crazy! I can totally see the baby's face! It looks just like you! I'm surprized with such clarity they could't see a weenie, that is if there is one to see. Ok well you don't look fat yet so that's good. Can't wait to know if it's a Seth or a Setha. I miss you!

Gimpy Duck said...

Congratulations, Jenny! I can't wait to be an aunt. But I think you should change your blog template because if you're having a boy he would think it's too girly. ;)

Anonymous said...

A big Congrats! to Jenn and Seth. But I think you should post baby pix of both parents so we can compare them to the ultrasound! Or not... Stay warm healthy!