Miranda Lynn Carr was born on August 19th at 3:15am. 10 days late! She was 9lbs 4oz and 22 inches long.
A short birth story: I woke up on the 18th and was getting very mild contractions about 5-15 mins a part. We had a scheduled appointment at the doc's anyways, so Seth was taking a half day, but I asked him to telecommute instead. After a few tests they oked me to go to the hospital. We got there about 3:30pm and I slowly but surely progressed until about 1:30-2:00am when they had me start pushing. Miranda arrived at 3:15am!
Here are a few pics from the hospital and our first few days home. Don't worry more are coming!
Wow! I was holding off on updating this thinking that the next entry would be with the baby! Well I thought I'd post one more belly pic just to catch me with my "overdue" look. We went to the doc's today and everything is looking good and things seem to be developing slowly but surely. Hopefully she will be here soon!